
Air Abrasion

Air Abrasion Many people associate the high-pitched whirring of a dental drill with pain. Just the sound alone can make many people wince. A relatively new technique called air abrasion uses powerful particles of aluminum oxide to remove debris and decay. The most...


Anesthesia Dentistry has advanced to the point in which pain is almost a thing of the past. Powerful pain-killing medications known as anesthetics not only help a patient avoid discomfort during a procedure, but post-operatively as well. Some patients, especially...

Managing Pain

Managing Pain There are many methods for relieving oral pain. They include: Ice packs on the affected area. Avoiding hard candy or ice. Avoiding sleeping on your stomach. Dentists use a wide array of pain management tools, including: Anesthetics such as Novocaine....

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring and Sleep Apnea SNORING AND SLEEP APNEA In September 1995 the American Sleep Disorder Association (ASDA) endorsed oral appliance therapy as the third currently acceptable treatment modality for snoring and sleep apnea. The two most common solutions include...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Overview People choose aesthetic dental procedures/surgery for various reasons-to repair a defect such as a malformed bite or crooked teeth, treat an injury, or just improve their overall appearance. Whatever the reason, the ultimate goal is to...

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